Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Laura Bohannan-"Shakespeare in the Bush"

This article, "Shakepeare in the Bush" by Laura Bohannan shows the differences between American beliefs and the beliefs of Tiv of West Africa. The author decided to use Shakespear's Hamlet to demostrate the concept of the story is universal. However, as the author is telling the story she is interrupted several times by the villagers who misunderstand the story. These interruptions give insight to the villagers' culture. For instance, Bohannan recalls, " 'But a chief must have many wives! How else can he brew beer and prepare food for all his guests?' " (219). This culture encourages women to serve her husband, to cook and serve others. Also, in this culture women are completely dependent on the men." 'Who will hoe your farms for you will you have no husband?' " (219). Women are persuaded to marry in order to secure their living standards. Though interestingly, the author was encouraged to participate in storytelling and drinking with the men and elders of the village. The villagers were wise and welcoming to her and in a way treated her as one of them. Yet in some cultures a woman is to be proper and not engage in the same activities as men for she must have self-control and be preoccupied with other things.

1 comment:

Evie said...

I never really thought that what the tribe was saying was giving insight to their culture, that was a cool way to look at the story. I just took it as misunderstandings between the different cultures, but you are right it teaches us the values of their culture as well. As you said it showed how dependent the women are to the men, which I think is true, but I think it is more that men and women have very specific jobs. The men are also very dependent on the women but for other things, like preparing food and stuff like that.